At the very minimum the bb that you use must be uniform in shape, weight and finish. If there are any issues with any of these then it is time to start using another brand. When we get a new bb from a manufacturer we test it in a variety of guns, and side by side test them with whatever bb we currently recommend. We also take a sample of the new bb’s and weigh them to check variance, and do a close visual check for finish and shape. In recent years the quality of bb’s available on the market has greatly improved and today it’s not hard to find quality bb’s from many different manufacturers.
BB weight is key to the performance of your airsoft gun. Ultimately you want to be using the heaviest bb that your gun can efficiently lift as this will maximise the range and accuracy of your gun.
Most off the shelf AEG’s with standard hop setups will happily lift 0.2g to 0.25g bb’s and we recommend ASG Blasters which are also available as tracers.
The sub 350fps guns that we build we will setup on a minimum of 0.32g bb’s but most setups can lift 0.36g bb’s which will further improve shot accuracy. For 0.32g bb’s we recommend the ASG Blaster 0.32g as they are great quality and widely available at a good price. For 0.32g tracers we recommend the Geoffs Precision 0.32g Tracer. For 0.36g we recommend the Geoffs Precision 0.36g or the Specna Arms 0.36g.
We setup our sub 400fps (DMR setup) rifles on a minimum of 0.4g bb’s though you can certainly move up to 0.43g and even 0.45g bb’s for better improved shot accuracy. For 0.4g, 0.43g and 0.45g bb’s we recommend the Geoffs Super Precision bb’s.
And our sub 500fps (Sniper setup) rifles are setup on a minimum of 0.43g but ideally you want to be using 0.48g bb’s to really maximise accuracy. Sadly 0.48g is the heaviest bb currently available in the quality required to shoot long distances but when high quality heavier weight bb’s become available we will certainly be moving up to them. For 0.43g, 0.45g and 0.48g bb’s we recommend the Geoffs Super Precision.
Above are the optimal weights of bb that you want to be using for a given power range. If your gun is failing to lift these weights of bb then we can do the required upgrades to enable your gun to lift the right weight of bb and maximise its shooting performance.
You can find our full range of bb’s in our Consumables section of our website.